Friday, January 2, 2015

Restart in new year 2015

Seeing my last year in retrospective, I am proud of what I experienced. As mentioned by Seth Godin, I used to be different ... and now I want to continue in the set path and improve the details like it follows:

CHALLENGE my daily bodyweight workouts and DOCUMENT my progress weekly.
(Benchmark is the list of 44 Bodyweight excercises by Tee Major Fitness)

REPHRASE one sentence a day in all foreign languages I know.
(Additionally to my original strategy I practice vocabulary training with Babbel app and I deploy dictates from any available sources)

Establish BUDGET to treat myself with PREVENTION - healthy snacks and nutrition.

ALLOCATE my financial resources to LOCAL, independent or alternative providers - over well-known brands and supermarkets.
( Shopping for audiobook at librivox instead of supporting Amazon's company -;
I better give the contract to manufacture tailored functional cloths to talented and skillful local craftspeople )

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