Monday, September 16, 2013

... your dream work - just a dream?

Waking up full of energy, going to workplace still with enthousiasm... to be today the best employee, to provide your customers with greatest care ...  but returning home distressed, defeated, exhausted and hopeless?

Just another sunny day wasted at work... ???
Somehow relieved that it's over – well, at least until the next day. Have you experienced that feeling at once?

After reading the [article] by how Generation Y outspoken request for information and fair treatment, suddenly I realized how true is the message of  Dan Pink in his TED presentation.

At certain point, when financial reward starts to cover basic needs, motivation to give my best at work changes drastically. Additional money on your salary tape does not trigger that expected extra peformance.

The Cloud Atlas Sextet for Orchestra movie
On the other side, in the industries like hospitality, where HR people and on site managers perceive workers should feel honoured for being chosen to sacrifice their lives for the company. Commanding people at “production line” to hassle, do ineffectively, keeping them busy – however futile it be. In fact, it does not happen only in factories somewhere in remote China! If you have mortgage or loan to pay, children to feed or other liabilities, just a few years to a retirement, it appears easier to conform, knee down, give in and get accustomed with that. No questions asked, no thinking permitted, do what you are told... But is it really the preferred life objective ?

Todays academic institutions are still set up for work requirements from yesterday, and jobs we know nowadays are already taken over by technology as views by +Andrew McAfee. So why should I merge with the crowd, stick with old-fashioned spoken expectations?

Defiantly, a thought by Robert Kiyosaki pops up in my mind:
When you are young, work to learn, not to earn.
The article on Linkedin by J.T. O'Donnell fold the idea into practical shape: Not job hopping is the answer – means I am so unsatisfied with every aspect of my work conditions, I blame everyone for my hard situation and that's why I need to find more favourable external factors. On the contrary, from every tough situation take a lesson, define the pattern that led to a mistake, search for solutions.
I stay in a particular job only as long as it contributes to my own growth.
Filling my string of competences and abilities from various spheres and fields in order to populate my very own objectives. So carefully putting together building blocks of your career and following one's dream – even though it seems to be hidden behind rainy sky, is the task of the bold individuals.
A next step on the road to live a dream – be your own boss, run a private bussines, is to start working early on creating and marketing your own product. Be it sharing experience on a blog about a new gadget or answering questions in your field of interest on forums or learning a new language (programming).
However, as +Keith Bloemendaal clarifies in his post on bizhax only surfacing other people businesses does not generate income for you. On the other side, +David Amerland in his podcast on Soundcloud explains, the common denominator here is to show that we care about people - truly
(we care about money more than about people? )

Second aspect, which only support the stand, cast a bit of light on the way how vast majority of employees are rewarded. Correct me if I am wrong, but on every single payslip there is a number of hours spent at work multiplied with certain coefficient. Et voilà! Your compensation for hard work even at home or weeks long idle time-killing with coffee cup in hand at company “meetings” is the same!
Just pause for a second. As illustrated on a story in illustrated in an ebook Breaking the time barrier in a rule, most employees or solopreneurs are paid for time spent working. No matters how productive you motivate yourself to be, how much uncompensated overtime you served or how agressively your superior punishes you for any “wrong doing”, at the end of a month you can expect the very same salary (or some additional deductions).
Honestly, what is it then that makes us come to work every day, contribute to wealth and expansion of influence of the company we spend our lives at and let call ourselves a “big family”?
For me, each employment is actually an intermediate station to get some competence. The more one learns at every point, the more equipped one advance their development. Be it starting one's own bussines or a parallel project with minimal income – like writing a blog...

One final article  by J.T. O'Donnell on challenging our contemplacy with current unfullfilling occupation.

Also, thank for your time reading my thoughts. Hopefully you get your view of life shaken and get inspired by some influencers  I dared to quote. Enjoy your day.

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